AMS Pest Control

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Non-Toxic Pest Control

Non toxic pest control

There are several reasons why a non-toxic pest control method might be not only a good option but also required.

– The environment of the pest problem for example sharing the space with vulnerable people, pets or children, or simply it might just be a preference of the customer can lead to non-toxic measures being used.
– There may be high potential for non-target secondary poisoning. This is very important and a matter we at AMS are very diligent about.
– The risk of contaminating the food chain.
– Considering the environment and looking for alternatives and ways to future proof our activities.

Are there any options for rodent control?

Yes. There are several varieties of traps that we have the option of, this however is more labour intensive than a rodenticide treatment.

Are there any options for insect control?

Yes. Non-chemical treatments for flying and crawling insects, cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas, red mites, ants, moths and beetles. They are safe for use in a multitude of settings, with the added benefit that animals do not need to be removed for treatment. Heat steamers to control bedbugs are an option also, which are superheated to 180°C. Some traps are effective for cluster flies and harlequin ladybirds.

What about wasps?

Yes. There is a wasp trap available that is though not an instant solution like our wasp treatment dust but is an excellent chemical-free alternative.
The CRRU (Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use) aims to protect wildlife through the rodenticide industry acting responsibly. A good reason to use non-toxic alternatives is to follow the guidance offered by the CRRU in order to mitigate the risk of non-target poisoning of mammals and birds.

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