AMS Pest Control

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Pest Control At Allotments


Ants can be a problem on allotments, they can damage root systems of plants, spoil a seating area you might have to take a welcome cup of tea, but they can also “farm” aphids on some fruit trees and crops.

Aphids are a common blight for many an allotmenteer and keen gardener. Aphids are challenging to control and often require a chemical insecticide.

Slugs and snails, mostly active overnight these pests can decimate crops. They are tough to find, and often the telltale ravaged plants and slime trails are all people see. A good step is to encourage natural predators to space.
Woodlice do not pose a threat to humans. They only become an issue in large numbers, perhaps if they decide to find refuge on your beloved bench or shed. Keeping areas tidy of fallen leaves and rotten wood will help to prevent them.
Rats and mice. Food scraps in compost bins, seed and fresh crops, standing water in water troughs/butts, sheds and sites left unoccupied overnight. These things can all provide the perfect conditions and safe harbourage required for a thriving rodent population.
Moles, there are many passed down deterrents for moles from generation to generation. These territorial mammals can often be considered a pest to allotment holders, gardeners and most of all golfers!
Rabbits, a small rabbit population can decimate crops and quickly grow to become a large population.

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